Specular Microscopy of IOLs

Specular Microscopy of Intraocular Lenses


It is an pleasure and an honor to write a foreword to this excellent monograph authored by Martin Wenzel.

This work is unique because it does not merely represent a review of other work, but contains extensive original material based on his years of research in this field.

The author’s presentation of specular microseopy of intraocular lenses (IOLs) is also very timely, as this research tool is used in connection with an important aspect of cataract surgery and IOLs, namely, long-term fixation and bio-compatibility. as well as pathogenesis of various complications such as Uveitis.

Although IOL implantation is now an extremely safe proccdure, the remaining nagging complications include decentration, posterior capsular opacification and Uveitis. The most common of these is actually posterior capsular opacification. It is highly probable that a major cause of this condition is related to a breakdown of the blood-aqueous barricr and/or inflammation. Specular microseopy of IOLs and other such siiulk“. address (Ins possibiliu directl) and are essential.
With its exhaustive list of references this Volume is an example of fine schorlarship on a topic that at first glance appears limited, but actually has real clinical significance in terms of improving the results of IOL implantation.

David J. Apple. M. D.
Professor and Chairman Department of Ophthalmology Medical Univcrsily of Soulh Carolina Charlesion, S.C.

PDF herunterladen:
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Wenzel: Specular Microscopy of Intraocular Lenses – Part1
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Wenzel: Specular Microscopy of Intraocular Lenses – Part2

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